Originating from Essex and centered around London, Douglas in Fur fills a much-needed musical niche. Their music combines ambiguous narratives with dry humor and serves as a foundation for the band's unique style, reminiscent of artists such as Terry Hall and Baxter Dury. In 2021, the band released "Fran Smokes Alone," which was met with great reception and accompanied by popular shows in London. The band continued to build on their reputation and unique sound with their 2022 release "Stones in Your Pockets."
Douglas in Fur needed a brand identity that captured their essence. As their designer, I was tasked with creating a logo that would represent their music and personality The logo combines the elegance and sophistication of French Nouveau with a modern twist, perfectly capturing the band's unique and artistic sound. The result is a custom typographic logo that is visually striking, memorable, and perfectly suited to the band's style and personality.